Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Proper Battery Wiring Technique

There is nothing more important when it comes to building your DIY solar system then cable and wire sizing. One of our featured members on the DIY Solar Energy Forum, Dale Marshall, has written an article/discussion that highlights the most important aspect of successfully connecting multiple batteries. Please feel free to join the conversation with your input or questions...... 

I have noticed lately that many people are having problems with low power issues, Improper battery charging or certain batteries in your bank of batteries failing. I have dealt with these issues and have done some experiments and also lots of Searching down best methods of charging and power draw issue.
I have Found only 1 solution that works correctly since. It also makes for even battery charging and equal power draw across the battery bank.
I have 2 Diagrams I want to share with you here .
The only rule you have to follow is this....Use proper gauge wire and all wires going to the Positive and Negative Combiners Must be of " EQUAL LENGTHS" Including any wires tying 2 batteries in series You know those 6-8 inch jumper cables must be 6 or 8 inch.
It is of my opinion and researching. This is the only true way to make you batteries have a long and reared life span. And you can enjoy for years to come.

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  1. Ok... If I read what he said correctly... His diagrams are wrong.. None of the wires are the same length beside the junction wire on the 6v batteries..

  2. It's a diagram....you wouldn't be able to see how it is wired if he laid the lines all together in the diagram. The combination of reading the article and looking at the diagram gives the reader the idea.

  3. Yea, I think it's only done that way to make the wires easy to see.
